Is Time Travel Possible?

We are told that time is indescribable and enigmatic, but that does not help human search for the true nature of time. Nearly two and a half thousand years ago, Aristotle argued that, "time is the most unknown of all the unknowns", and probably not much has changed since then.
Time is a very important and vital ingredient of everyday life and all means of academic thinking (one of the supporters of the universe other than length, width, weight, etc.).
At a glance, it seems clear Time is: ringing clock, calendar page round. But in fact this is just an incidental physical manifestation of its basic concepts, time even examined today as a matter formed from a fundamental particle. (Read my previous writings to understand what is a fundamental particle). CERN (a European organization for nuclear research) created a device called Accelerator Particles or LDH (Large Hadron Collider) to understand the fundamental particles that make up the universe including particles forming gravity, light, and TIME. But before it can make a universal theory about it (time), humans have radical thinking to explore it (time traveling). Then the question arises (for which you read this paper), can humans do time traveling? Hopefully the following short article can be of little satisfaction to you after the above pleasantries.

Before answering that question let's take our minds into time to the times where geniuses begin research on time.
Our journey begins from an accident that hit the head of a famous thinker Isaac Newton in the sixteenth century, the idea of falling apples is then the beginning of the popularity of a force (fora) that is gravity. Newton realized that the force of gravity is what causes the apple to fall. Newton also releases terrors that time moves remain and is absolute and not affected by external factors such as movement (speed) or gravity. The essence of Newton's theory is that time does not slow or accelerate.
Then we move 300 years later. From a patent office in Switzerland, the young scientist Albert Einstein investigated the light. He found a reality that shook the world. TIME CAN TAKE. In terms of time is not absolute but moves relative to every person depending on how the person is moving. The faster we move then the time will slow down on us. In the sense that time slows down depending on how fast we move (so it's the reverse). This theory is called Special Relativity (Special Relativity). Einstein then saw another 'crazy reality' (which other humans did not see at the time), that is, gravity is not a magnetic force of a particle with mass but gravity created by space-time curvature. In other words gravity warped space-time. In that sense, TIME CAN BE GRAVITY. Time curvature is called the Space-time Distortion. This theory is then called General Reltivity (General Relativity). Simultaneously ushered Einstein into a 'genius man' in the world.
The curvature of this time that curiosity by some scientists, if space-time can be curved then what happens if we bend time so space-time curved and turned directions in the previous direction. For more details, imagine a piece of paper that we bend continuously until the right end is folded together with the left end. The left end is the year 2000 (for example) and the right end is the year 2018. This piece of paper is the dimension of time space. When in 2018 a person or group of scientists manages to create a space-time curve so that space-time folds back into the year 2000, then as time passes through 2018, our lives will resume in 2000. In the sense, THE THEORY, TIME TRAVELING POSSIBLE TO DO. What has not yet been discovered is a way to create massive gravity to create the massive curvature of space-time to fold back into the past.
The theory of relativity (E = mc²) becomes the basis in the flash science fiction film. Something moving contains kinetic energy. The faster it moves the larger the kinetic energy the greater its mass corresponds to Einstein's formula because the speed of light is constant.
The faster the particle moves, the mass increases -> something mass, creates gravity (curvature of space), the greater the gravity the greater the curvature of space-time -> the particle goes back to the past in accordance with the above paper illustration.

Then is it true this theory of relativity?
One example of the application of Relativity in our daily lives is technology Global Positioning System (GPS), let your GPS smartphone navigation work accurately when it comes to a new boyfriend's house, the satellite (which is the center of the information) should use relativity in its operation.
Even if it does not move as fast as the speed of light, but the satellite is moving very fast. Satellites also send signals to Earth stations. These stations (also GPS in your smartphone) experience higher acceleration due to the gravitational influence of satellites in orbit.
To be accurate, satellites use a clock with an accuracy of up to several billionths of a second (nanoseconds). Because satellites orbit at an altitude of 12,600 miles or 20,300 km above Earth and move at a speed of 6,000 miles per hour or 10 thousand km / h there will be a relative time dilation of about 4 microseconds per day. Given the effects of gravity, dilatation can increase by about 7 microseconds or 7000 nanoseconds.
Although it looks trivial, the difference is very real. If there is no relativistic effect, the GPS information that calls the distance to the new boyfriend's house is 0.8 km. The next day, at the same point, GPS will call its distance to 5 miles or 8 km!
Despite all the theories, Stephen Hawking author of the best-selling book Theory of Everything, a genius of the century, threw his comment on time traveling: "If travel time technology is found in the future, then we must have found at least one tourist from the future now ". But he also added that there is still hope for time traveling in string theory.
